
標題: 大象神手印 - 提升勇氣 / Ganesha Mudra - Boosts Courage [打印本頁]

作者: Rondey    時間: 2019-2-16 16:37
標題: 大象神手印 - 提升勇氣 / Ganesha Mudra - Boosts Courage
大象神手印 - 提升勇氣 / Ganesha Mudra - Boosts Courage


Feeling cowardly? Feeling powerless? Try Ganesha Mudra!

■ 操作

1. 把雙手放置在心臟前方
place hands in front of heart

2. 右掌向上,左掌向下
faces right palm up & left palm down

3. 抓緊及互扯所有手指
grasps & pulls apart all fingers

■ 大象神手印的功效
Benefits of Ganesha Mudra

1. 提升自信心及勇氣
boosts confidence & courage

2. 打開支氣管,促進血液循環
opens bronchial tubes & lungs & promotes blood circulation

3. 強化心臟的能量,提升新陳代謝
strengthens energy for heart & boosts metabolism

4. 強化手臂、胸膛及肩部的肌肉
strengthens muscles of arms, chest & shoulders

■ 注意

1. 每天練習5-6次
practise 5-6 times per day

2. 最好晨間練習
best to practise in morning

3. 雙手拉扯時,不宜過份用力
avoid too much strain during pulling of 2 hands


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