
標題: 郭博士中、英文版祝福文 [打印本頁]

作者: suni    時間: 2013-10-25 13:46
標題: 郭博士中、英文版祝福文

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作者: linolin    時間: 2013-10-26 20:56
The voice is elegant !! Thank you for sharing!!
作者: maharaja    時間: 2013-10-28 00:27
作者: Nelsonlai    時間: 2013-11-11 12:58

作者: freddy    時間: 2013-11-25 13:58
昨天才在網上,第一次聽千禧祝福文, 很神奇地, 只在聽第一及二次時, 精神好了, 視覺上望東西清楚了, 情緒及心情好有很大改善, 今天是第一次早上念, (因昨晚是第一次念), 感覺內心很快樂. 對一些事好像有不同的觀感.

還有, 聽博士念慧觀緣起數次後, 個腦好像清醒了.

其實第一次知道郭博士的大名及事蹟是95年在加拿大的伯給我看博士的書籍, 可能因緣的問題, 直到這兩天才在網上收聽郭博士的酒色財氣的節目.
本人現居澳門, 在香港中大升讀, 居多倫多10年, 05年回澳, 吃素食, 現長素, 覺入世修行不易, 想找適合自己的緣法及方向, 求指教.

PS. 本想在心燈慧語留言板留言,但因看不到驗證碼
作者: Quattro    時間: 2013-11-26 12:44

閣下具法緣,可直接電郵至 dr.kwok@hotmail.com 留言給郭博士。

作者: 彭浩賢    時間: 2014-7-24 14:51
本帖最後由 彭浩賢 於 2014-7-24 15:02 編輯

The Millennium Blessing
1.  May the world be blessed with peace, and knowledgeable people use science appropriately to avoid natural disastersand human damages. May all people of the global village be in their lives specially blessed with opportunities and ability to participate in supporting the building of their country. Insisting on the concept of a science-based development and rejecting damaging superstitious beliefs, may all of us acquaint ourselves with the wise but seek no guidance and direction from people who are poorly destined for life or from misleading fortune-telling books.
2.  May all human beings understand that they have to continuously rely on external resources and support for survival and that they should gratefully and humbly give love and care to other good and sincere beings who are in need. Let him orher not act like a bystander or critic of life, but a learned and faithful person putting steadfastly the right belief in practice.
3.  May all human beings understand that only in human forms that lives are capable of innovating, creating and developing. Only human beings are capable of telling right from wrong,the good from the bad, and spreading and propagating knowledge. May all people use such special qualities wisely to improve the human character. We wish people through their smiles bring joy to others, as human beings are the only living kind able to smile.
4.  May all human beings realize that everything in this world is going through ajourney that encounters impermanence and constant change. Any existence that originates from causative conditions is ultimately or truthfully no more than a “self-less” form that change continually as the underlying conditions evolve over time. Thus under any favorable or unfavorable circumstances, one should realize the “impermanence” and the “self-less” principles are the realities ofthis world, and remain calm, tranquil and courageous in facing any challenge.
5.  May all human beings understand what past religious philosophers had described as “God” is actually the functional properties of the law of nature with its accompanying changing physical and chemical phenomenon and such functional properties reside as well in the human body. The activities of individual livesare nothing but the manifested energy of such natural phenomenon (or God's act). Advocating either the existence or the non-existence of God, on the basis of subjective deduction, is always incomplete and extreme. Human beings canonly by deep cultivation activate the uncovered or latent inward wisdom to see the truth of the universe. Possessing and deploying the balanced, non-extremist inward wisdom, one can get rid of the care and bondage associated with the constant flow of birth, aging, sickness and death.
6.  May all human beings be fortunate enough every day to have the opportunity and right conditions to cultivate and grow spiritually with new knowledge and enjoy learning from other people's strengths. To befriend with oneself and appreciatethe universe and all matters through the perspective of arts, come to know both the good and bad sides of cultures, and play each and every roles that onebelongs on the grand stage of life to the best of one's effort. By the time thelast moment or thought of one's life has arrived, carrying a little smile, one can return to the warmth and peaceful embrace of mother-nature permanently, and leave forever the cycle of birth and re-birth.

The Millennium Blessing.pdf

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The Millennium Blessing

作者: cwcheung24    時間: 2015-10-27 14:54
祝福文愈諗得耐愈發覺人生是由一種肉眼看不到的力主宰, 有的人察覺得到這種力, 有的人則察覺不到.

我開始明白祝福文可以"改變"命運的意思, 原來是令我們察覺到, 或者隱約察覺到這種力. 我們平時就像一個戴了耳機過馬路人的人, 即使前面有一架大貨撞過來也懵然不知! 當然這只是我個人的見解.

無論如何希望有更多人可以認真揾一日, 即使只是一個下午也好. 在寧靜的海灘, 又或者公園,若果無時間的話就在等地鐵時, 站在月台的人一角也好, 靜靜的諗祝福文7次. 不用太着力去諗, 默諗也可以. 大家會感受到它背後的"威力", 而這種"威力"其實人人本身都有, 但可能我們錯誤地以為自己和大自然分開了.

作者: chrisX9    時間: 2015-10-27 20:56


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