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發表於 2015-11-10 00:05:33 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 容燥兒 於 2015-11-29 21:24 編輯

34:13 Yu Yunzhou
34:15 proposed a plan again to reform Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Communist world
34:19 which require all Traditional Chinese Medicine to learn from western medicine
34:26 It triggered controversy and debate again, that drew Mao Zedong's attention
34:32 It must be God's will again
34:35 Turned out there was once when Mao Zedong worked in Tianjin and suffered from a serious illness
34:41 None of the doctors could heal his illness
34:43 In Shandong, which locates near Tianjin
34:49 there was a Traditional Chinese Medicine practisioner whose name was Liu Huiwen
34:54 A famous doctor
34:57 He spoke to Mao: "Dear chairman please make an order to give me four hao (0.4 yuan)
35:00 Mao asked: "With just 4 hao you can heal my disease?"
35:02 Doctor Liu: "Leave it to me" and he went and collected 2 doses of medicine
35:04 After taking the medicine he recovered so he always kept it in mind
35:07 Therefore Mao made a quick and important decision on the Traditional Chinese Medicine plan
35:11 where it was not a reformation for Traditional Chinese Medicine, nor did Traditional Chinese Medicine need to learn from western medicine
35:16 It was on the contrary western medicine that should learn from Traditional Chinese Medicine!
35:20 Hence later for those who learned western medicine
35:23 they combined Chinese and western medicine in the treatment for patients
35:24 In China, all those who learned western medicine had to learn Traditional Chinese Medicine
35:29 Unfortunately as those western medicine learners just regarded Traditional Chinese Medicine as an addition
35:31 so they couldn't take in all the knowledge from Traditional Chinese Medicine
35:34 not learning the full version, therefore till now
35:37 In HK, many Traditional Chinese medicine practitioner who claimed to know Traditional Chinese medicine from mainland China
35:40 They were actually transit their study from western medicine to traditional Chinese medicine
35:42 They were commonly not professional and excellent in Traditional Chinese medicine
35:45 They know a part of it but don't have excellent knowledge
35:49 They are not proficient
35:54 They didn't learn the system completely
35:59 Zhou Enlai had received someone who treated against a serious plague
36:08 Someone you can search online
36:11 A famous doctor named Pu Fuzhou
36:14 He was a master, (some explanation of his name)
36:19 (some explanations of his name)
36:21 He had excellent physiognomy, you can search him online
36:25 He saved many lives during the pestilence outbreak
36:31 Since Mao made a decision on the plan for Traditional Chinese medicine
36:37 Five major medical school were formally set up in China
36:42 Nanjing, Chengdu, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, five major medical college
36:48 They have kept developing after established
36:50 till now
36:52 Because Mao's decision that western medicine should learn from traditional Chinese medicine
36:57 since it was made by Mao
36:59 western medicine should learn from traditional Chinese medicine
37:01 Chinese's life expectancy had increased
37:05 the population was about 50 million in Song andM Ming Dynasty
37:09 it was always less than 100M, in Qin Dynasty, it reached 200M
37:14 later rised up to 400M
37:18 Because of the greater longevity, people could live up to the age of over 70
37:22 So.. because of the medicine they used
37:25 After western medicine started learning from Traditional Chinese medicine, many diseases could be cured
37:31 Which make people hard to die of diseases so they lived longer
37:36 We had some statistics
37:42 In the 21th century, 2004, 2005 or so
37:48 there were about 300M population in United States
37:52 those who had to received heart surgeries, such as Angioplasty or Coronary artery bypass surgery, was over 1 million
37:59 1 million

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發表於 2015-11-10 00:06:05 |只看該作者
38:02 which costed 15 trillion dollars
38:08 It was in 2004
38:12 The same year the population of China was 1.1 to 1.2 trillion
38:17 Yet the number of our cases was just 110,000
38:23 A huge difference, why?
38:27 Because there were many people who took Traditional Chinese medicine for heart diseases such as rescue pill, heart tonic pills etc.
38:32 They do so even if the patients finished their heart surgeries
38:38 This led to the fact that nowadays the doctors in China would prescribe Traditional Chinese medicine for heart diseases for the patients
38:44 which improved the longevity of Chinese
38:46 they live longer
38:51 But we shouldn't resist western medicine
39:03 and take viewpoint that western medicine is not good
39:05 or to blame that Traditional Chinese medicine is not enough
39:07 or to blame that western medicine is not enough
39:09 These are all biased point of view
39:10 Because both of their research objects are human
38:13 Take a simplest example, if our oesophagus is lack of strength
39:20 For Traditional Chinese medicine there are no endoscopies aiding to know if there are any inflammations
39:24 Since you cannot make the examination without the help of endoscopy, you can't exclude the possibility of sores
39:32 Yet for western medicine you are able to do examination of the diseases, but you still don't know whether the oesophagus
39:37 the sympathetic nervous system, or Jing Luo, is blocked
39:43 Because the technology nowadays still cannot visualize Jing Luo in human body
39:47 The debate between Chinese and western medicine continues
39:50 which generate conflicts and disparity, and it is human itself who bear the fruit at last
39:56 the patient is person who suffers
39:58 Both medicine cannot be combined together to make diagnosis and treatment
40:02 Therefore nowadays, In China
40:06 there's a crisis, a crisis of western medicine learning from Traidional Chinese medicine
40:10 Their major is western medicine, but then pushed to learn Traidional Chinese medicine, yet the training and practising time is so short that they are not proficient on this field
40:16 When they are making diagnosis, for convenience they diagnoze by on western medicine first
40:22 Normally they give you some injections, drips or western medicine prescriptions and see what happens next
40:26 If any changes occurs they make adjustment based on some of their Traditional Chinese medicine knowledge
40:31 they put the focus on western medicine
40:35 However, the value of Traditional Chinese medicine were far from being fully exploited
40:38 It is difficult for those with excellent Traditional Chinese medicine knowledge to find a good student
40:44 In HK, many traditional Chinese medicine college were opened up, yet lack of support from the government after that
40:50 Furthermore many students didn't have a great prospect after graduation
40:53 because they didn't get any chances to practise
40:55 So I have mentioned in previous videos that the government should evacuate some of the municipal buildings to
41:02 make room for more traditional Chinese medicine clinics, or western medicine clinics, or laboratories, to build up a all-in-one full service for the patients
41:09 There are so many municipal buildings that are vacant
41:11 Why don't the government make room for the graduated traditional Chinese medicine students to server for the public?
41:17 since it is so convenient with the internet nowadays
41:19 if any difficult diseases are presented, the student could ask the teachers for help via the internet
41:26 But in my personal point of view Traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine should be combined and cooperate to treat diseases
41:32 they should coorperate with each other
41:33 But the two systems of medicine
41:35 compared to the Veda medicine I have learned
41:39 If it may sound imprudent, both systems of medicine were originated from Veda medicine
41:45 Therefore in India the medicine is not separate
41:50 There is only on kind of medicine which is Veda medicine, to cure human diseases
41:53 Neither western medicine, except surgeries, nor the eastern medicine, not any disparity between medicine exists in India
41:59 Because there are over 5000 years of Veda medicine history, a subject based on human
42:04 So our orientation are more basic and natural, there designed a set of Yoga art
42:12 Ensuring people not to get sick
42:15 If there is no diseases, there is no need for treatment, that's the aim of our Yoga art
42:18 The set of Yoga art were created by more than 50 people who had metal achievements, through meditation
42:26 it is based on the human structure to design the set of Yoga art and spread it out
42:33 It suggest people to immitate the posture of animals in the exercise
42:37 For example, last time I taught you how to curl up your neck and twist like this
42:43 it is one of the methods that extracted by learning the posture of animals, you can practise it to keep healthy
42:49 Therefore our Yoga art are able to keep you from getting illness
42:53 the entire knowledge of medicine, be it from eastern or western
42:57 They all came from Veda medicine in ancient India
43:01 I believe that human as such clever beings with wisdom, are responsible
43:06 to combine the two system of medicine from both the west and the east, we should coorperate together
43:13 with whatever form or method we use
43:15 Therefore I said last time that Ko Wing Man ( the Secretary for Food and Health of Hong Kong)
43:18 they have already held a Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western medicine Conference in 2008
43:23 I hope that Dr Ko can keep flourishing and developing the combination of medicine
43:26 The two medical system should not fight against each other
43:30 they shouldn't resist and devalue each other
43:33 Both systems have their own strength
43:35 They have their own long suit
43:37 If it is for the sake of the human health and happiness
43:42 Prejudice should be thrown away
43:45 A part of the work should be done by the public
43:51 Due to the fact that some businessmen in capitalist societies
43:56 especially the bosses of pharmaceutical companies
43:59 For the purpose of keeping a good performance in the market given the really expensive cost of developing new drugs
44:04 they made use of various tactics and exerted the influence in different area
44:10 immersed into the administrative structure of different countries, resulting in a must for many countries to buy their drugs
44:15 HK is among one of those governments
44:17 Why the children cannot go to school without receiving the 8 or 10 vaccinations?
44:24 It turns out to be a compulsion to receive vaccinations, are they all necessity?
44:28 Is it effective after receiving it?
44:31 Or shall we buy another drug or from another pharmaceutial company if it is better?
44:37 these are all questions needed to be discussed
44:39 Without discussion, some pharma-companies with bad intentions
44:46 through illegal means
44:49 for example in China it was exposed
44:52 that some pharma-companies bribed some angency with 4 billion
44:56 which was reported in newspaper where we all get the news from
44:59 They took advantages of illegal tactics and conspired with doctors who can be bribed
45:07 making those companies the tyrants in the pharmaceutical industry
45:10 everyone has to work for them
45:15 their drugs are extremely expensive
45:16 So I always feel strange
45:19 India has more than 1 billion population
45:21 Would it sound fair that they don't value their people's lives?
45:23 Now HK goverment have boycotted drugs from India
45:28 Why on earth?
45:31 Why don't you import drugs from India?
45:33 Fine, Suppose, as an HK citizen, I am willing to take the risk
45:38 I choose to use India drugs and the government doesn't have to take any responsibilty because the government is incapable to save my life
45:42 Nearly 20,000 for a dose of target drug, which only cost 1,800 if I buy it from India
45:47 so that I avoid to get poor for the cost of medical treatment
45:50 why doesn't the goverment implement such policies?
45:52 To those who claimed to love the country and love HK, the Liaison Office, and the central government
45:56 and those officials who claimed to love the country and love the people, please think it twice
46:02 right?
46:05 It is so miserable, a disaster, for the poor to get ill
46:13 I don't usually speak that much, look, no cheat sheet at all!
46:18 An impromptu talk, there is much more to speak out
46:23 Still a lot more to say
46:25 Some net friends asked how to treat shingles
46:28 Very simple, if you really want to argue
46:32 I am not questioning the doctors in Hospital Authority
46:36 If you can pick up two patients by chance
46:40 or several patients, and we treat them separately
46:42 Two more people to join me
46:51 I am the leader, three people
46:53 A repeat of the contest in 1929, 12 patients be collected
46:59 six for your side and six for my side, let's see the patients from which side first get healed
47:02 I don't have a doctor license
47:05 Yet not to mean that I don't know medicine
47:08 I have studied Veda medicine, with a Budda degree
47:12 Within Buddism, there is medicine
47:15 I don't have to get a doctor license because I don't earn my living by that
47:20 The same when I want to be a lawyer and get a degree in law
47:27 I don't have to get the license
47:28 But you can't deny that I have professional knowledge of law
47:35 So for the stablity of the society
47:38 and for the safety of our compatriots
47:44 I spoke out more today to let you have some knowledge
47:48 The reform of medical system in the future is enduring and difficult
47:53 the current medical insurance system
47:56 the establishment of medical insurance plan is far from a full stop for the government to fulfill their responsibility
48:01 After the medical insurance plan was set up, more problems would emerge
48:05 The first question from the doctor when diagnosing the patients is whether the patient has bought insurance?
48:09 If yes, the doctor would try the best to use up the insurance claims, with unnecessary checking and scannings
48:14 How could we find out a solution for the current conflicts?
48:19 A many more people for investigations are needed
48:22 It's not just a task for this generation
48:24 Of course I have currentloy sent many letters to the Chinese government
48:29 with the information from HK attached
48:33 I have made it clear that I will be the whistle-blower, for example exposing scandals from Hospital Authority recently
48:38 because there are too many medical accidents
48:40 By formal and legal means I gave the data to my friends in China
48:43 some departments in the Chinese government who have coorperation with me
48:46 I convey the idea to them that the problem must be solved
48:49 not only in HK but in mainland China
48:51 If it is not settled
48:53 The tyrants in medicine and pharmaceutical industry would harm our society
48:57 The same problem in US economy because of the medical insurance system
49:02 it really hit Obama's nerves and still not settled
49:08 I hope that all the doctors
48:11 should have conscience and keep your social responsibility in mind
49:16 especially some aged doctors because you don't have to go for the authority
49:19 I hope you can propose some good suggestions for the current medical system
48:27 Currently there is a serious lack of health care workers in HK, do you have any suggestions Dr?
49:34 Very simple advice, it is time consuming and expensive to train doctors or health care workers
49:44 you could put your eye on the talents from other countries, who has 8 or 10 years experience
49:52 they can be recruited after examination in HK
49:56 However for HK it is not enough
50:00 Those developers and rich people should sponsor to build laboratories

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發表於 2015-11-10 00:06:26 |只看該作者
50:05 laboratory
50:06 not simple clinic
50:09 at the same time they should advocate
50:12 the separation between health care and pharmaceutical industry
50:17 because nowadays the doctor also distribute drugs
50:20 So in order to sell the drugs
50:22 and get the commission, which tempt them into prescribing more drugs
50:26 it is even worse for the insurance system
50:25 They prescibe according to the insurance sheet
50:33 For example, if your insurance coverage is 1000, they wrote a prescription valued 800 to 900
50:37 Very accurate
50:39 So when you are seeing a doctor the first thing they ask is whether you have bought insurance
50:43 then ask for the insurance coverage
50:48 all under calculation
50:50 if your coverage is high then more sheets, more scanning and checking, and more procedure to go through, so as to get more commission
50:57 So... a few days earlier
50:59 Not sure if it's related to us, I don't want to exagerate
51:02 After our program came out someone required the government to improve the medical policies
51:06 The HK goverment announced two days later that a special meetings was to be held immediately
51:12 targeting on the issue of separating the doctors and the drug industry
51:17 those two has long been separted abroad
51:21 If not, there would be conflicts, being a doctor and selling drugs at the same time
51:26 In ancient China doctors would not sell drugs at the same time
51:28 For example if I am a traditional Chinese medicine practioner, after I treat a patient, I will write prescriptions for the patient and the patient will buy the drugs themselves
51:33 So there's no conflicts
51:34 if I sell drugs at the same time, I will prescribe more drugs for you to buy in order to make it more profitable
51:39 there exists conflicts
51:40 (the separation) it is a good start
51:42 But many countries in the world such as Taiwan, the doctors do not sell drugs
51:47 They just write prescriptions, and you can choose whichever pharmacy store you like
51:52 no conflicts exist
51:54 it worth support and propelling, but it's too late to start, they should have done it much earlier
52:02 Traditional Chinese medicine used to be commented by some famous German doctors during a meeting
52:07 Someone asked the German doctors what do they think about traditional Chinese medicine since it has treated so many incurable diseases
52:13 They had the following comments
52:17 Traditional Chinese medicine is not scientific, old-fashioned and ambugious
52:22 But it does heal diseases
52:25 Western medicine is scientific, clear and logical, but it does not heal diseases
52:31 that's their comments
52:35 Then what should it be?
52:39 Then we should combine the two


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發表於 2015-11-19 12:32:31 |只看該作者
題目:郭兆明博士 淺談「時」、「空」、「識」

YouTube 原片連結: https://youtu.be/stwD2lStH3Q

srt 字幕格式 (未校對)


00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,940

(剛才提到「時」、「空」、「識」……) 這個更不可說

You just mentioned “time”, “space”, and “consciousness”… This can’t be talked about


00:00:04,280 --> 00:00:10,540

不可說的理由是甚麼呢, 第一, 說了人家也不會明白

What is the reason of not talking? People won’t understand even after explanation


00:00:12,100 --> 00:00:16,960

但你可以自己思索, 我不說, 你想通多少得多少

But you can think about them. I won’t tell, what you think is what you understand.


00:00:16,960 --> 00:00:26,680

這個要付很多學費才會教, 學問是值錢的, 要叩頭敲門, 不是欠你的, 為甚麼要告訴你呢 ,


You have to pay a lot for me to teach you these. Knowledge is very valuable. You need to delicately seek

for knowledge from different ways. I do not owe you anything, why shall I tell you? I shall keep you blind

from the truth.


00:00:27,200 --> 00:00:31,660

第一, 時間如何形成, 這是你首要知道的

First, how is “time” constructed? You need to know this first.


00:00:32,600 --> 00:00:39,900

第二, 時間在宇宙裏, 是屬於甚麼物質, 是屬於甚麼

Second, what is “time” in the universe? What is “time” regarded as?


00:00:40,460 --> 00:00:45,560

你要先解決這兩個問題, 否則整天說「時間」、「時間」, 都只是傻傻學語而已

You need to solve these two questions. Otherwise, you always say “time”, “time”, you say it like a parrot.


00:00:45,560 --> 00:00:51,020

時間是甚麼, 如何形成, 這是首要的

What is “time”, and how does it construct? These are the primary importance.


00:00:51,060 --> 00:00:56,480

好了, 第二個, 「空」是「空間」, 宇宙中空間是屬於甚麼

Okay, second, what is “space” in the universe?


00:00:57,080 --> 00:01:05,000

空間如何形成, 你要知道啊, 它是存在的嘛

How is “space” constructed, you need to know it because of its presence.


00:01:05,660 --> 00:01:11,820

「識」就更神秘了, 你的「識」在你出現在世界之前

“Consciousness” is more mysterious. Where is your “consciousness” before you appear in this world?

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發表於 2015-11-19 12:32:57 |只看該作者

00:01:12,600 --> 00:01:16,980

它是如何藏身的呢, 等於上一集我說過一個人有內功

How does it hide? It is equal to “Qi Gong” I mentioned last episode.


00:01:16,980 --> 00:01:21,120

它是如何藏於宇宙中呢, 如何藏於身體中呢

How does it hide in the universe? How does it hide inside a body?


00:01:21,600 --> 00:01:27,860

等於這個「識」是動力來的, 在未出現之前, 它匿藏在哪裏呢?

Equally, this “consciousness” is a dynamic, where does it hide before it appears?


00:01:28,420 --> 00:01:39,860

為了解決這幾個問題, 你就是用一生的時間, 如果沒有人指點, 或內證的修習功夫, 你是不會知道的

Attempt to solve these questions, without guidance, you will not understand even spending a lifetime



00:01:39,860 --> 00:01:43,280

更遑論如何使用它,  是嗎

Don’t even think about how to use them, right?


00:01:43,280 --> 00:01:47,760

所以我那篇祝福文, 關於地水火風時空識

Therefore, my “Millennium Blessing” is about earth, water, fire, air, time, space and consciousness.


00:01:47,760 --> 00:01:52,760

涉及了很多宇宙力在裏面,  你知道如何運用就不得了

It involved various universal powers. It is magnificent if you know how to use them.


00:01:52,760 --> 00:02:00,820

即如你走進大陸跟共產黨工作, 跟中國領導人對話, 人家跟你敷衍幾句, 轉個頭就把你的話忘得一乾二淨

For instance, if you work with the communists in mainland China, and talk to Chinese leaders. They

would brush you off, and forgot all of your words in a minute.


00:02:00,820 --> 00:02:03,680

但為甚麼我跟他們說一句說話, 就很有效呢

But why is it effective for me to say a sentence to them?


00:02:03,680 --> 00:02:08,820


This is the matter of time.


00:02:08,820 --> 00:02:18,440

我當年影響國家共產黨中央部委, 不是說叫他們放棄馬克斯

In those years, I influenced the Communist Party of China Central Committees, I did not ask them to

abandon Marxism.


00:02:18,640 --> 00:02:24,940

但在某「時間」、「空間」我說出一句說話, 他們立即要補……

But I said a sentence in a specific time and space, then they had to adjust.


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發表於 2015-11-19 12:33:14 |只看該作者
00:02:25,220 --> 00:02:31,940

我在中國人民大學的道德科學研究院, 就是我取「時間」、「空間」與「意識」做出來的

I used “time”, “space” and “consciousness” to create the Institute of Moral Science of the Renmin

University of China.


00:02:32,340 --> 00:02:38,520

我說: 部長, 現在的世界, 跟馬克斯時代不同

I said: “Minister, today’s world is differ from the world of Karl Marx.”


00:02:38,920 --> 00:02:43,720

他當時在香港, 我與他坐車出席一個大型的活動

The minister was sitting in a car with me in HK to participant a large event.


00:02:44,220 --> 00:02:48,320

我問他: 如果現在司機留下車匙溜了, 你懂不懂開車? 他當下茫然了

I asked him: “If the driver leaves the car key with you now, do you know how to drive?” He was stunned



00:02:48,540 --> 00:02:55,540

他說不懂啊, 呆一呆, 面都青了, 我隨着對他說, 想想, 馬克斯那年代是沒有車的

He answered “no”, his mind was completely blank. I continue to said:” Think about it, there was no car in

Marx’s time.


00:02:56,660 --> 00:03:04,220

所以他的創作的東西, 到了現在我們已經不夠用, 你明白嗎, 所以現在我們要學開車

Therefore the ideas he created is not sufficient nowadays. Now we need to learn driving.”


00:03:04,780 --> 00:03:10,480

他是個聰明人, 我說當年共產當要求黨員

He was a clever man, I said the communist party required their members


00:03:10,900 --> 00:03:14,800

縫縫補補又三年, 真是人都死了, 還叫人去學雷鋒

to learn from Lei Feng. To learn from the spirit of serving the people wholeheartedly. This was outdated.


00:03:14,920 --> 00:03:20,780

雷鋒是指揮人倒車, 自己不懂走避, 被倒車活活夾死在燈柱前的嘛, 你學雷鋒真糟透了

Lei Feng died because he stood in a wrong place when he was directing a car to drive backward. The car

hit down an electric pole, the electric pole fell down and hit on the left temple of Lei Feng’s head.


00:03:20,780 --> 00:03:26,700

你說這是怎麼搞的…… (反智啊) 確是反智, 他叫車子後退

What’s your comment? This is silly, he directed the car backward


00:03:26,700 --> 00:03:34,020

這樣子夾死的嘛, 所以共產黨好搞笑, 居然叫我們向雷鋒學習

and died this way. Thus the Communist party is very funny to ask us to learn Lei Feng.


00:03:34,360 --> 00:03:42,260

是嗎, 新三年、舊三年, 縫縫補補又三年哦, 傻兮兮的, 該學不學, 學這等鬼東西

Right? New for three years, old for three years, sew and mend for three years (The spirit of Lei Feng of

unselfish serving). Completely stupid. Rather than learning some useful stuffs, they learn this shitty stuff.

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發表於 2015-11-19 12:33:30 |只看該作者

00:03:42,260 --> 00:03:46,920

所以, 這些東西, 跟農村裏沒文化的人說還可以

Therefore, you may talk to the uncivilized people in the villages about this.


00:03:46,920 --> 00:03:52,360

但今時今日社會已開放, 社會上知識份子個個都讀過幾年書

But in todays open society, everyone is educated.


00:03:52,360 --> 00:03:57,680

你還用這些古老東西, 來香港還使用鬥爭文化, 這你不就完蛋了嗎

You still use these outdated stuffs, and embrace the culture of power struggles in HK, you are doomed by



00:03:58,000 --> 00:04:03,640


Before the last decade, no Hong Kong people don’t like to be returned to China.


00:04:04,140 --> 00:04:07,400


Why we are more alienated from China after the last decade?


00:04:08,380 --> 00:04:12,620

是嗎, 這你共產黨要檢討, 因為你那一套已不行了

Right? You communism party need to review yourself, because your way of work is not pragmatic



00:04:13,020 --> 00:04:18,760

所以他們全搞錯了, 當年我囑他們停用那套馬克斯, 我說: 這套馬克斯已不夠用了

Thus they are all wrong. I suggested them to stop using Marxism many years ago. I said: Marxism has

not been sufficient.


00:04:19,200 --> 00:04:24,680

他們是清醒的, 我對他們說, 黨員的道德是要重整的

They awaked, I said to them : “The moral of the party’s members need to be reconstruct. “


00:04:24,900 --> 00:04:28,420


You can’t request party’s members to sacrifice only.


00:04:28,820 --> 00:04:34,360

你只發一千幾百月菥的工資當個縣官, 他們不貪污才怪呢, 怎麼做呀

You just pay a thousand monthly salary for a governor, it’s abnormal if they don’t corrupt, how can they

work (for 1000 RMB)?


00:04:34,680 --> 00:04:39,900

是嗎, 傻的, 自己騙自己, 所以是個很坎坷的世界

Right? Stupid, self-deceiving, thus this world is very miserable.


00:04:39,900 --> 00:04:45,720


And thus I established the Institute of Moral Science of the Renmin University of China.

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00:04:45,720 --> 00:04:51,040

是給黨員的, 今時今日我們的道德標準在哪裏

It showed our modern moral standard to the party’s members.


00:04:52,340 --> 00:04:58,080

你把標準放到高一高是沒有用的, 你辦不到, 裝偉大沒用的

It is pointless to set a very high standard if you can’t achieve it. Pretending to be great is pointless.


00:04:58,080 --> 00:05:06,700

(中國的學說一向是陳義很高的……) 所以我們利用智慧觀察力, 觀察每一個問題

(Chinese doctrines always have a very high standard) Thus we use our wisdom to observe every



00:05:06,700 --> 00:05:14,040

再如何利用「時間」、「空間」與「意識」去做一件事情, 這在世間是可行的

And we use “time”, “space” and “consciousness” to achieve a task. This is practical in this world.


00:05:14,040 --> 00:05:20,460

但當然與我的要求還有距離, 我是要擺脫整個宇宙的約束力, 是困難的

But this is still distanced from my requirement. I need to extricate from the universal binding power. This

is difficult.


00:05:20,760 --> 00:05:24,880

但這個不容易, 為甚麼不容易呢, 我舉一個例子

This is not easy, why is it not easy? Let me give an example


00:05:25,620 --> 00:05:32,220

我們上次說的士不找贖給你, 你都會跟他爭

We said last time a taxi driving won’t give you the change back, you will have conflict with him


00:05:32,220 --> 00:05:36,200

這個對面關過不了, 叫做「見惑」

That’s failure to go to the beyond (controlling impulsiveness), this is called “view delusion”


00:05:36,620 --> 00:05:41,440

現於你眼前的相, 你是制止不了的

You failed to control the phenomenon which appears in front of you.


00:05:41,680 --> 00:05:48,260

好了, 如果你能斷此心, 心全不動, 的士司機不找贖給你, 你能不發怒, 完全若無其事

Right, the taxi driver doesn’t give the change back


00:05:48,700 --> 00:06:01,380

真實的話, 要有那八十里濶江河, 一閘能斷之力, 你才能斷這「見惑」

Realistically, You need to have the force to cut a 40 km wide river, then you can cut this “view delusion”


00:06:02,840 --> 00:06:08,800

修行不容易啊, 好了, 如果能斷此「見惑」, 便能出三界, 停在那裏

Practice is not easy. Okay, if one can cut this “view delusion”, one can leave three realms (Trailokya), and

stay there


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00:06:08,800 --> 00:06:19,800

是「四羅漢果」的第一步, 你做到最後的大羅漢果實,  那「思惑」還未斷的啊

This is the first step of “Arahattamagga”, even if you achieve the last “Arahattaphala”, the “delusion of

thoughts” has not ceased.


00:06:20,600 --> 00:06:26,480

即是心的動念, 不是你看見的, 而是你自己心裏想出來的一種動力

That is the invisible activity of the mind, and it is a dynamic created by your mind.


00:06:26,980 --> 00:06:31,280

雖然大羅漢不受三界, 但都未斷「思惑」, 所以他們還是有煩惱

Although “Arahattaphala” is out of three realms (Trailokya), the “delusion of thoughts” has not ceased,

thus they still have negative emotions (kilesa).


00:06:31,900 --> 00:06:40,620

他們都未成佛嘛, 所以凡夫斷見惑也不容易, 要八十里江河一柵而斷

They have not become the enlightened one, so it is not easy for a lay person to cease “view illusion”, it

requires the force to cut a 40km wide river.


00:06:40,620 --> 00:06:45,580

即是過到對面關 (即是能克制剎那衝動……) 說的當然容易了

That’s gone to the beyond (controlling impulsiveness), easier said than done


00:06:45,580 --> 00:06:51,720

講當然容易啦, 說的光采, 打打坐就以為很了不起

it is very easy to say. One may be proud of doing meditation (but in reality, he/she is nothing).


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發表於 2015-11-29 21:05:11 |只看該作者
郭兆明博士 - 行門 - 如是因如是果 (未較對)


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Being in the world, I hardly ever care others’ eyes on me




The most important thing is keeping mindful




No one can see what you are doing clearer than you




That’s true




I can live in Soviet and Communist world




The only thing that I can be respected by others is my mindfulness




I am just here to help your nation




I leave once I finish my job




Whatsoever the honors and position




Never touch it; you have to hold your principle



但係這個有條件的,我有能力中幾次3T 嘛

But that is based on some conditions. At least I could win Triple Trio several



中3T 好過癮的

Those experience was really fantastic



I do know that is very fantastic



The point is you cannot win Triple Trio easily



My experience is very interesting



What do you mean




That was that I was reading a newspaper. Some names of the racing horses suddenly

drew my attention. They made you to bet them



In other words, you found some horses’ names on the newspaper very outstanding,

and made you bet them



I don’t know horse racing, nor doing research on it



The most magical one is that I was having lunch in Zhuhai



I saw there was a piece of old newspaper



That was a piece of horse racing newspaper



Because the race hadn’t started, I found I could make a bet



I suddenly asked my Indo student, and a famous Chinese Opera actress Qiong Xia



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